Leader of the Education Society

The leader of Education is responsible for recruiting and leading a team of educators who will strive to ensure that our students have equal access to education funding as other Metis students do. The team shall strive to promote Metis history and traditions in the educational system, as well as within our communities.

Currently, the most important challenge the eastern Metis students face is the denial to bursaries and other funding, which is reserved to western students by publicly, privately, and government-funded organisations. The education team works diligently to redress that unfortunate situation, and we will keep our people appraised of the progress.

The MNOC is in the process of contacting various colleges and universities as part of our strategic plan to ensure that our Metis students will reach their full potential.

The MNOC firmly believes that every verified Metis in Canada should have equal access to education grants and bursaries, whether their Metis roots stem from the West or the East.



We invite educators and traditional teachers of the MNOC, our treaty partners, and Metis Communities to submit up to three photos or videos of their activities, a brief biography (100 words), website and FB links, and contact info...  CONTACT US

Our visit to Collège Boréal, Sudbury. Oct. 2017)

Leader, Education Society Diane Montreuil, Chief Gaetan Gauthier; Chief Karole Dumont, and CFMPC member Sharon Gauthier

Diane Montreuil’s Involvement in the Greater Toronto community:

November 2017 – Metis Cultural Presentation doing medicine bags with students from various schools at the ROM Toronto.

Member of the Indigenous Advisory Committee at Toronto Catholic District School Board of Toronto. 

  • Blessed Sacrament High School

  • Dante Allighiery Academy

  • James Cardinal McGuighan school

  • St-Joseph College 

French Indigenous Docent at the ROM for the Exhibition Anishinaabe: Art & Power.  June to November 2017.  

Archie & Pierrette Martin  ~  Mi'kmaq-Metis

Archie and Pierrette spend many days in schools, major cultural festivals, and museums every month to teach Metis and Mi'kmaq culture and history. 

Videos of Archie & Pierrette in various presentations:

In schools:

LENA GHIO: Mondial des cultures Drummondville, Qc 2011. The song of honor and the welcome song:

Opening ceremonies of purification before major events:

Traditions & Culture:

Archie's father, Allison Martin, about life in the old days and D Day June 4 1944 Invasion of  France: