MÉTIS NATION of CANADA: By the People for the People



110 Place d'Orléans Shopping Centre, Orleans, ON.  Tel: 806-220-5028




It is such a sweet moment when a longtime dream comes true. The Métis Nation of Canada's Community Care Foundation assists our citizens facing hardship, be they our elderly citizens or students needing school supplies and uniforms. Donations to the Community Care Foundation are distributed on a first come first served basis upon request by email at: admin@mnoc.ca    


Ottawa, ON – On March 20th, the Metis Nation of Canada (MNOC) hosted a triple-location launch of its first anti-bullying graphic novel: Rocking Spurs: The Anti-Bullying Tour. During Spring Equinox, 1,500 Canadian high school libraries received a complimentary copy of the 100-page novel. The MNOC promotes unity among Métis communities and nations to preserve our identity, history, languages, cultural and spiritual heritage.
The escalating social unrest of the past decade inspired MNOC to work harder towards helping students to better understand and hopefully eradicate harmful bullying, online intimidation, discrimination, and stigma from their lives. Rocking Spurs is the story of a young country-rock band, and their commitment to anti-bullying, stigmatization, and lateral violence by holding 10 concerts across Canada to raise awareness. Themes address Indigenous diversity, gender identity, and (dis)ability, and the rise of violent behaviour in Canada, bringing difficult conversations to the forefront through the fictive characters of Cayden Sheppard and his country-rock band, Kaylani Simon, a young Innu-Mi’kmaq-French woman from Québec, and her small daughter Rosie.
Limited copies available by email: admin@mnoc.ca  - Cost: $18.98 + shipping.  (20% discount to schools and youth organizations)



It is with deep sorrow that we bid farewell to an amazing Métis Veteran who served his country and his people with the utmost ethics and valour. Joe filled the important role of MNOC’s Information System Coordinator-Webmaster. We called him our IT Guru. He was a great friend to us and dedicated thousands of volunteer hours alongside his MNOC colleagues. There are no words to express our profound sadness at having to say farewell much too soon. Miigwetch, Joseph, for being a true hero!



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The Métis Nation of Canada was incorporated in 2009 and partnered with the Council of the First Métis People of Canada in 2018. Our governance structure and instruments ensure that leadership and representation of our citizens meet the highest standards of integrity, honesty, accountability, and transparency. Anything less is unacceptable in our eyes. Our leaders are professionals from various business, public, private, and government sectors, with decades of practical experience and specialized skills. They continue dedicating countless hours of volunteer services to their communities and Canada's Métis Nation.

The MNOC promotes unity among legitimate Métis organisations and communities across Canada. The MNOC seeks recognition for its citizens to: protect and ensure their freedom to claim their true identity; maintain our cultural and spiritual heritage; access meaningful programs and services for our people. MNOC seeks assistance with education and economic development, safe and affordable housing for our elderly and families, and health care for ailments specific to Indigenous peoples. We claim the right to continue providing food and medicines for our families in the traditional manner still practiced by many Métis, while ensuring sound management of our natural resources. MNOC's mandate is not to infringe on the rights and benefits of the First Nations or other Métis entities but to strengthen friendship and unity with all our Indigenous Relations.

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  • WHO IS MÉTIS? The first Métis People of Canada emerged on the eastern shores in the early 1600s with the arrival of European explorers and their unions with Indigenous women. One of the earliest Métis baptism found was for André Lasnier, born in 1620 in Port Latour, Nova Scotia…

  • GOVERNANCE: The Métis are one of Canada’s three Aboriginal peoples under s.35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. As one of the representatives of Canada’s Métis peoples, the MNOC adopted a Standard of Integrity based on four strong principles: Representation, Registry, Integrity & Accountability…  LEARN MORE

  • CIRCLES & SOCIETIES: Our Circles and Societies work tirelessly to ensure that our people are treated fairly across Turtle Island. Their extensive experience and knowledge are the cornerstone of the MNOC and the guarantee that our heritage will remain vibrant among our descendants…


    In recognition that the Métis are one of Canada’s three Indigenous Peoples under s.35 of the Canadian Constitution, and Indian under the Daniels decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, we do not claim the same rights as our cousins of the First Nations, Inuit and non-status Indians, but the rights due to the Métis, taking into account the situation of the various Métis Nations in Canada… LEARN MORE 

  • ARTS & CULTURE: From its cradle in the east to its expansion in the west, Canada’s Métis Nation celebrates the arts, culture, and traditions born of its blended bloodlines. We embrace our cultural diversity across Turtle Island, while recognizing our Indigenous uniqueness…

    Visit ART & CULTURE

  • GENEALOGY: Is there anything more compelling and addictive than genealogical research to understand one’s roots, identity, and history? The MNOC is currently building an extensive collection of genealogical and historical records to help you explore your ancestors’ legacy… LEARN MORE



In regard to allegations that some Métis use their citizenship card to avoid paying taxes on purchases. The Métis Nation of Canada (MNOC) and the Council of the First Métis  People of Canada (CFMPC) remind the public that this practice is illegal under the current law and is subject to our zero-tolerance policy for fraudulent use of our cards. Duly proven transgression may result in permanent loss of citizenship and all associated privileges.

We do not support organisations that claim Métis identity but do not register their members through a strict registry process; that are not incorporated or registered in their provinces; and do not adhere to strict accountability and transparency policies. The MNOC & CFMPC work actively towards recognition of our s.35 rights and do not condone actions that would jeopardize our progress. The CFMPC leaders stood at the 2017 Daniels Symposium in Ottawa to speak out against charlatans, fraudulent organisations, and abusers of Métis cards. 

We are ready and eager to work with the government, legitimate Métis groups, and also with First Nations to report fraudulent organisations and abuse of Métis and other Indigenous cards - and continue building on the friendship between our nations.


Your support and/or donation is greatly appreciated
